Tuesday, May 24, 2011

AGM 2010

OKWA’s Annual General Meeting, May 15, 2011
Board Members- Mary Peppard President & Treasurer, June Anderson Vice- President, Barb Carr & Martine Bresson Past Co-Presidents, Lee-Ann Taras Secretary, Alana Kapell, Jane Derby
OKWA Members- Zillah Loney, Mieke Van Geest, Sue Lyon, Mary O’Brien, Margaret Lock, Diane Black, Pauline Conley
New Members:
June gave an update. There have been 7 new members to OKWA since the autumn of 2010. New members are Diane Black, Pauline Conley, Margaret Lock, Caroline Marshall, Lise Melhorn-Boe, Mary O’Brien and Teri Wing.
OKWA’s website has all the updated information for the submission process. Slides are no longer accepted, submissions are on cd & viewed by board members before a board meeting when the jurying of submissions takes place.
OKWA Scholarship:
All members present voted unanimously to award the $500 scholarship again this year. The award goes to a promising art student of either gender in The Creative Arts Focus Program run by Karen Peperkorn at QECVI. Karen selects a few students’ portfolios to be juried by the board of OKWA. A cheque is presented to the recipient in August to assist with their future art studies. June will contact Karen to begin the process.
Election of OKWA Board for 2011-2012:
3 long–serving board members have retired from OKWA’s executive: Hanna Back, Barb Carr and Lee-Ann Taras. 
The following board members remain: Mary Peppard as both President & Treasurer, June Anderson as Vice-President, Alana Kapell as Blog/Newsletter Editor, Martine Bresson and Jane Derby. Past executive member, Zillah Loney returns to the board after a short absence. OKWA welcomes new board members Mieke Van Geest and Diane Black.

Thank you Barb Carr, Lee-Ann Taras and Hanna Back for your years of generous contribution to the life of OKWA.

(photos contributed by Martine Bresson)

President AND Treasurer, Mary Peppard zipped through the AGM in probably OKWA's fastest meeting in history, to accommodate members' desires to attend Su Sheedy's opening reception!

The MANSION provided great munchies and comfort.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

2012 Mill Street Gallery Submissions for OKWA members


The Mill Street Gallery/Cafe http://millstreetgallery.blogspot.com
4400 Mill Street/PO Box 70/Sydenham, On K0H2T0/613 376 1533

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for 2012   deadline June 01
Because OKWA has now partnered with the Mill Street Gallery and members have already gone through a jurying process, submissions will be very simple.

1. Send an email with your month/s preference. (see below)
2. You can apply for a solo, duo or group show of YOUR MAKING.
3.  Read gallery requirements  and if in agreement, email your choices of first and second time slots to alanakapell@mac.com by June 01/2011.


I1.  A nominal fee of $10 in cash is requested for gallery maintenance.

2.  Artist is responsible for SET UP and TAKE DOWN at specified dates.  This means supplying your own equipment to hang and REPAIRING the walls at take down (removing nails, filling holes and painting). Gallery supplies paint and polyfilla only. Artist brings own hanging equipment, patch up paintbrush and polyfilla applier.

3. Artist(s) are responsible to ensure they have full copyright on all materials presented in the gallery. Only ORIGINAL work is to be exhibited.

4. All sales go to the artist.  The artist is solely responsible for negotiating sales.  

5.  The artist is responsible for their own advertising.  The gallery prints one poster at the beginning of the exhibition season advertising all the shows. The gallery will email a list of recommended sites to e advertise to the artist.

6. You cannot expect drop-in traffic to this Sydenham Gallery.  Your best use of this space is to advertise an OPENING RECEPTION in which you can actively sell your work if that is your focus.     There is a cash bar.  Pat Dawson will help you with an appetizer menu; this is not obligatory.

7.  All art must be ORIGINAL WORKS and mounted (ie. no paperworks glued or taped to the walls).

8.  Opening receptions are set at the first Sunday of each month. Artists pay Pat Dawson/ cafe owner for the refreshments. Opening receptions are optional.

9. The gallery key can be picked up from Alana Kapell /Michele LaRose for installation and take down.

10. The gallery is only open to the public when there is staff working in the building (in February and March this is generally only Saturday evening dinners).  As soon as the weather warms up in April hours open up to 11 to 3pm Tuesday to Saturday and Saturday dinners.  The gallery is locked otherwise. There is a security system, however INSURANCE is the responsibility of the artist.

View this space as just that, a SPACE provided for your use.  There are no other services. You are basically renting a space for a $10 donation.  You do ALL the work.

If you agree to all the above conditions, please consider submitting to exhibit.

1. 2 month display, February and March.  Gallery open only Saturday evenings and special events.
2.  April and May, two month slot open lunches and Saturday evenings and special events.
3. June, one month heavier cottager traffic.
4. July, one month heavier cottager traffic. RESERVED
5. August, one month heavier cottage traffic. RESERVED
6. September and October, two months with lunches and Saturday dinner  RESERVED
7. November and December, limited lunches, Saturday dinners.

State your preference for 2 time slots (in case there is duplication in application dates) and also state any period you CANNOT exhibit (ie. if out of the country etc.)
SEND SUBMISSION TO alanakapell@mac.com

Sunday, May 8, 2011


The birth of The Salon Prize came from Cleah Bunting’s overwhelming desire to help out other artists in their own working lives. The prize was originally done in association with The Kingston School of Art–however due to the demands of the growing contest–the competition out grew the school.

Judges this year include OKWA member J.T. Winik, as well as Bonnie Brooks and David Perkins.

OKWA members, Barb Carr and Zilla Loney, have been past finalists.

First place: $2,000, 2nd place receives $500, 3rd place $150

This competition is open to Canadian, US and international submissions.  All applicants must be 18 or older.  The works must be done in the previous 10 years.
Works of any genre and/or medium (abstract, realism...oils, watercolours etc.)
16 people will be chosen and exhibited from November 09 to 30 2012.

Submission deadline is September 10, 2011.  Submission forms on website http://salonprize.com/

Zillah Loney

Barb Carr

Friday, May 6, 2011

WORKSHOP Introduction to Typesetting and Letterpress Printing

Introduction to Typesetting
and Letterpress Printing Workshop
2-3 July, 2011

taught by Margaret Lock, at 231 Johnson Street, Kingston

Participants will learn basic typographic design 
concepts, and how to set lead type by hand and 
print on a Vandercook proof press. The workshop 
will cover setting type, letter-spacing capitals, 
imposition, proofing, registration, and printing 
on handmade paper. As an exercise, participants 
will design and print a broadside up to 10 x 14 
inches in size. The text should be a poem of up 
to 20 lines, or a piece of prose of fewer than 
160 words. Notes and all materials are provided. 
Space is limited to three students, so pre-registration is necessary.
The workshop hours are 9:30am-5:30pm.
The cost for each participant is $185.
(A non-refundable deposit of $50 is payable when participants register.)

If you have a favourite poem or piece of prose 
that you want to print, and if you are intrigued 
by letterpress printing, you should enjoy this workshop.
Please contact Margaret Lock at 613 544-3505;
or 231 Johnson St., Kingston, ON K7L 1Y2
or lockfp@queensu.ca

Margaret Lock holds an Honours Degree from 
McMaster University, Hamilton, and a Diploma of 
Visual Communication from Goldsmiths’ College, 
University of London. She is a private press 
printer and printmaker. An exhibition of her 
woodcuts was held at the Agnes Etherington Art 
Centre in 2002. Work produced by Locks’ Press can 
be viewed on the following web sites:
• Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Private Presses
• McMaster University Library, Perspectives in Canadian Publishing
An article on the press was published in The 
Private Library, 5th series, 10.1 (Spring, 2007) pages 2-26.